Nov 26 2019

Tracking Australia’s emissions

Projections show that Australia is on track to meet its Paris target emissions reduction targets of 5 per cent below 2000 levels by 2020 and is targeting 26–28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

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2022-23 NPI Data

The following is an analysis of the 5-year trends in National Pollutant Inventory reports from the Commonwealth government. The slides are the aggregated NPI results from coal fired electricity generators across Australia.

Apr 03 2024

Statement of Strategic Intent

The Statement is a complimentary expansion on our existing net zero and interim emissions targets. It sets out clearly the AEC’s mission, focus and challenges in making the energy market transition. The centrepiece is an interactive Dashboard which shows the many interrelated elements of that transition.

Sep 15 2022

The renewable energy target

The Renewable Energy Target – or RET - is a legislated scheme designed to increase the market share of renewable energy generation technologies.

Nov 26 2019
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