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2022-23 NPI Data

2022-23 NPI Data 2022-23 NPI Data

The following is an analysis of the 5-year trends in National Pollutant Inventory reports from the Commonwealth government. The slides are the aggregated NPI results from coal fired electricity generators across Australia.

Apr 03 2024
Extreme weather and  electricity supply

Extreme weather and electricity supply Extreme weather and  electricity supply

Heatwaves and extreme weather can mean higher electricity demand periods. The Australian Energy Council and Energy Networks Australia highlight how the power system manages additional risks on higher demand days.

Jan 07 2022
Financial support: Help to stay on top of your bills

Financial support: Help to stay on top of your bills Financial support: Help to stay on top of your bills

Energy retailers offer a broad range of confidential assistance and can help you to manage upcoming bills. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with other money concerns, you can also contact a financial counsellor. Financial counsellors are skilled professionals who can help you plan your way out of debt.

Nov 24 2021
Estimated Bills: What are they and how to avoid them?

Estimated Bills: What are they and how to avoid them? Estimated Bills: What are they and how to avoid them?

You may be issued with an estimated bill if your meter couldn't be read. Here we detail what an 'estimated read' means, how to know if you've been issued an estimate, and how to avoid them.

Nov 22 2021
Winter energy bills: Avoid a shock

Winter energy bills: Avoid a shock Winter energy bills: Avoid a shock

This factsheet aims to help consumers use less energy and save money on their winter bills. It highlights the changes consumers can make at home, and also details the average costs for electricity and gas, based on location and season.

Apr 29 2021
Help to stay on top of your energy bill: COVID-19 support

Help to stay on top of your energy bill: COVID-19 support Help to stay on top of your energy bill: COVID-19 support

Need some extra help to stay on top of your bills? Retailers offer a range of customer support measures. Learn how your energy retailer can help if you've been impacted by COVID-19.

Mar 29 2021
Helping you stay on track: Retail support during coronavirus

Helping you stay on track: Retail support during coronavirus Helping you stay on track: Retail support during coronavirus

Are you, or someone you know, worried about upcoming electricity or gas bills? Learn how your energy retailer can help.

Sep 08 2020
Home office energy savings

Home office energy savings Home office energy savings

With more people now working from home, these energy efficiency tips offer practical advice that can help to cut your energy use and bills.

Apr 17 2020
Household energy bills: Breakdown

Household energy bills: Breakdown Household energy bills: Breakdown

Energy bills vary depending on the retailer and energy plan chosen. Bills also reflect how electricity is supplied: Generators, distributors and retailers are all involved in delivering power.

Nov 26 2019
Tracking Australia’s emissions

Tracking Australia’s emissions Tracking Australia’s emissions

Projections show that Australia is on track to meet its Paris target emissions reduction targets of 5 per cent below 2000 levels by 2020 and is targeting 26–28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

Nov 26 2019
Demand response

Demand response Demand response

Demand response - or demand management - is when an eligible electricity customer chooses to voluntarily reduce or shift their energy use.

Nov 26 2019
The renewable energy target

The renewable energy target The renewable energy target

The Renewable Energy Target – or RET - is a legislated scheme designed to increase the market share of renewable energy generation technologies.

Nov 26 2019
The National Electricity Market

The National Electricity Market The National Electricity Market

Wholesale electricity in eastern and southern Australia is traded through the National Electricity Market - the world’s longest interconnected power system.

Nov 26 2019
The importance of coal seam gas

The importance of coal seam gas The importance of coal seam gas

Coal Seam Gas is a type of natural gas found around coal deposits. CSG is formed by the fossilisation of plant matter under pressure over millions of years.

Jan 01 2018
What are Smart Meters?

What are Smart Meters? What are Smart Meters?

Smart meters - also called advanced or digital meters - replace a household’s old existing meter with upgraded digital technology.

Jan 01 2018
Retail energy bills

Retail energy bills Retail energy bills

The energy industry comprises several major sectors; retail is the customer-facing part of the industry.

Aug 11 2017
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