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Analysis of mandatory frequency control by Provecta Consulting

Analysis of mandatory frequency control by Provecta Consulting Analysis of mandatory frequency control by Provecta Consulting

The National Electricity Market’s (NEM) Reliability Panel is presently reviewing the NEM’s Frequency Operating Standards. One part of that review considers the maximum governor deadband generators must operate when providing mandatory primary frequency response. The AEC engaged expert consultants Provecta, to advise on the impacts of the present very narrow deadband of plus or minus 15 millihertz, which the Panel propose retaining. Provecta find this tight deadband is causing wear on thermal machines and may be causing some observed instability in the system frequency. Provecta suspect a widening of the deadband would benefit both plants and the system.

BY Australian Energy Council Feb 02 2023
Revenue Adequacy for Generators in the WEM

Revenue Adequacy for Generators in the WEM Revenue Adequacy for Generators in the WEM

Marsden Jacob Associates (Marsden Jacob) undertook an assessment for the Australian Energy Council on the current and proposed revenue streams for generators in the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) and whether they provide revenue adequacy to support the industry as it transitions. Recommendations on measures to send the right investment signals are provided

BY Australian Energy Council Mar 23 2022
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