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AEMO Plan Identifies Dispatchable Plant Deficit

AEMO Plan Identifies Dispatchable Plant Deficit

The latest assessment of our energy system points to the urgency of getting sufficient firming capacity in place to back up the transformational injection of renewables into our grid, according to the peak body for energy retailers and generators, the Australian Energy Council.

BY Australian Energy Council Dec 15 2023
NSW Electricity Check Up Highlights Challenges of Transition

NSW Electricity Check Up Highlights Challenges of Transition

The peak body for electricity generators and retailers, the Australian Energy Council, said the report to the NSW Government illustrates the extreme challenges being thrown up by the energy market transition.

BY Australian Energy Council Sep 05 2023
Background Briefing: Retailers and Gas Supply for C&I customers

Background Briefing: Retailers and Gas Supply for C&I customers

Key points Gas prices have been increasing over the last 12 months, primarily due to international factors.

BY Australian Energy Council Jan 25 2023
Statement on June Energy Crisis

Statement on June Energy Crisis

The Australian Energy Council's Chief Executive, Sarah McNamara, said the Australian Energy Regulator's (AER) report reflects the extraordinary circumstances electricity generators and the market operator were attempting to navigate during the winter supply crisis.

BY Australian Energy Council Dec 15 2022

Victoria's gas decision a sensible step forward

The Australian Energy Council has supported the Victorian Government's decision to remove the ban on onshore gas exploration and production.

BY AEC Mar 17 2020

Victoria's Gas Decision Disappoints

Victoria's decision to block onshore unconventional gas developments, and continue the moratorium on conventional gas development, is short-sighted and ignores the important role gas will play in supporting renewables integration and reducing carbon emissions as the energy sector transforms, the energy industry said today.

BY Australian Energy Council Aug 30 2016

Q&A on the South Australian energy "crisis"

The South Australian energy "crisis" is dominating public discussion about energy policy. To assist in explaining some of the complexities and addressing some of the misconceptions, the Australian Energy Council today released a short Q&A guide on energy issues in the South Australian market.

Jul 28 2016

More gas the number one solution to higher prices: ACCC

A major Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) investigation has confirmed what the energy industry has long-known - that moratoria and over-regulation of unconventional gas fields are exacerbating uncertainty and increasing prices.

Apr 22 2016

AEMO highlights need for further gas development

Continuing to develop Australia's gas resources is critical to ensuring reliable and adequate supply in the immediate future, the energy industry said today.

Mar 10 2016
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