Electricity prices are rising because of sustained national policy uncertainty and arbitrary constraints on gas supplies, the energy industry said today.
Releasing the Australian Energy Council’s submission to the Finkel Review, its Chief Executive, Matthew Warren, said “recent price and reliability issues are not the result of the electricity market failing, but the result of sustained policy interference and resulting uncertainty.
“This is driving up electricity prices to unsustainable levels. The impact on the industry, its customers – households and businesses - and the economy generally is now critical.
“We are now experiencing the legacy of sustained energy policy inaction: ageing power stations keep closing but there is no plan about how they will be replaced. We are running out of power.
“This is translating into unacceptably high wholesale electricity prices in the forward market. By point of reference, the price impact we are now seeing is effectively equivalent to a carbon price in excess of $50 a tonne.
“This suggests the economy is likely to be better off with the development of durable and efficient national energy and climate polices which will return investment to the market and are likely to reduce electricity prices.
“The energy industry urgently needs investment grade national energy and climate policy that will enable new capacity to be built, as well as access to new gas to run it.”
The Australian Energy Council’s submission highlights immediate and short-term reform priorities, which include:
The full submission is available here.
About the Australian Energy Council
The Council represents 21 major electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. These businesses collectively generate the overwhelming majority of electricity in Australia and sell gas and electricity to over 10 million homes and businesses.
Media contact Carl Kitchen 0401 691 342
The announcement today of an expert panel to review the wholesale market settings of the National Electricity Market is welcomed as a critical step towards the delivery of a reliable, affordable, and low emissions future energy system, according to the peak body for generators and retailers, the Australian Energy Council (AEC).
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As Australia's energy and climate ministers prepare to meet this week, our organisations reinforce the importance of a certain, credible and consistent policy framework to business, industry and investors; the community sector; consumers; advocates for the environment; farmers; people and communities experiencing disadvantage; property and the built environment; and workers.
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