Nov 30 2016

Part Sale of Western Power Welcomed

The WA Government’s announcement of the partial sale of Western Power is an important reform that will deliver long-term benefits to the state, the energy industry said today.

The Australian Energy Council’s Chief Executive, Matthew Warren, said “based on experience elsewhere in Australia this change will bring significant benefits. The Barnett Government should be commended for being prepared to take this critical step.

“The Government doesn’t need to tie up billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money in owning and maintaining all of Western Power.

“This decision will ultimately free up money that can be better spent on infrastructure like schools and roads, as well as improving power delivery in country areas.

“Energy has begun the transition from utility service to consumer goods with customers increasingly active in how they consume and source their electricity.

“Owning the poles and wires is not required to best manage this evolution of the electricity system.

“That is reflected in the WA Government’s announcement that the part sale of Western Power will actually free up investment for new technologies, including edge-of-grid solutions like microgrids, that can deliver consumer benefits for those in more remote areas.”


About the Australian Energy Council

The Council represents 21 major electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. These businesses collectively generate the overwhelming majority of electricity in Australia and sell gas and electricity to over 10 million homes and businesses.

Media contact             Carl Kitchen                0401 691 342

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