May 31 2017

Energy Industry Welcomes Fairer Electricity Tariffs

The energy industry has welcomed the Queensland Government’s decision to minimise price increases by removing the costs of its Solar Bonus Scheme from electricity network charges.

The Australian Energy Council’s Chief Executive, Matthew Warren, said that removal of the solar payment was a fairer outcome for all households and businesses.

“Previously, all energy consumers have subsidised those who have put solar panels on their rooftops through higher electricity prices.

"In a climate of rising costs and prices, Queensland is showing leadership by taking responsibility for the costs of this government scheme.

“It is particularly important that unfair or regressive additional energy costs are not imposed on households that may not be in a position to take up new technology.

“This will only become more important as consumers continue to adopt new technologies, including solar systems and battery storage, which will help transition our electricity system.

“Today’s announcement means that the costs of the solar bonus scheme will be met by the government over the next three years and we would urge the Queensland Government to make the change permanent and avoid any future bill shock.”


About the Australian Energy Council

The Council represents 21 major electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. These businesses collectively generate the overwhelming majority of electricity in Australia and sell gas and electricity to over 10 million homes and businesses.

Media contact             Carl Kitchen                0401 691 342

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