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Carl Kitchen, 0401 691 342
Nov 04 2020

Electricity competition would benefit households

The Australian Energy Council welcomes the West Australian Opposition’s proposal to increase competition in WA’s electricity market as a sensible approach that would be a win for households and small business.

The AEC’s Chief Executive, Sarah McNamara, said, “Competition is the best way for customers to get the best deal for energy.  And it becomes even more important when you consider the growth of new consumer energy technologies that can help consumers save money.

“Energy is rapidly shifting from being a utility service into a consumer good with users wanting choice and the ability to tailor the service to meet their needs.

“Competition will deliver innovation in tools and technologies that enhance customer experience and will help drive that shift.

“Full retail competition for electricity has already been introduced into every other mainland state in Australia.

“And the ACCC found in its October assessment of retail electricity markets in other states the average price paid by residential customers on competitive tariffs was 17 per cent lower than those on regulated prices set by government.

“The competition watchdog found that households using the grid and shifting to competitive deals could save $219 a year while small businesses could cut their bill by a quarter and save around $424 a year on average. So, we know competition works and the sooner it is introduced the better.

“We have also seen the benefits of competition in WA’s gas market. That same drive to compete and win over customers through better deals and service offerings will emerge in electricity,” Ms McNamara said.

About the Australian Energy Council

The Council represents 21 major electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in the competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. These businesses collectively generate the overwhelming majority of electricity in Australia, sell gas and electricity to over 10 million homes and businesses, and are major investors in renewable energy generation.        

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