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Wholesale Market Settings Review – Key Issues to Resolve

Wholesale Market Settings Review – Key Issues to Resolve

The Australian Energy Council continues to engage with the Expert Panel conducting the wholesale market settings review. Submissions closed on 14 February. The Review is an important piece of work, as it seeks to define the services the energy system will need as the transition continues and to ensure that market-based incentives and signals deliver the required investment, enabling a shift away from a continued reliance on Government intervention. What is emerging is good alignment across stakeholders on the key issues. We take a closer look at some of the common themes and what the AEC believes are key areas.

BY David Feeney Mar 13 2025
Is increased volatility the new norm?

Is increased volatility the new norm?

This year has showcased an increased level of volatility in the National Electricity Market (NEM). To date we have seen significant fluctuations in spot prices with prices hitting both maximum price caps on several occasions and ongoing growth in periods of negative prices with generation being curtailed at times. We took a closer look at why this is happening and the impact this could have on the grid in the future.

BY Australian Energy Council Oct 03 2024
A tale of two approaches: How does Victoria’s energy plan differ from the 2024 ISP?

A tale of two approaches: How does Victoria’s energy plan differ from the 2024 ISP?

The release of the Victorian Government’s energy plan – Cheaper, Cleaner, Renewable: Our Plan for Victoria’s Electricity Future, outlines the Government’s roadmap and what will be needed to reach an ambitious emission reduction target of net zero by 2045. Like AEMO’s 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP), Victoria sees wind and solar as key pillars to their transition, along with battery storage. So, what does it believe it will need to achieve net zero, and how does this differ from the ISP? We take a closer look.

BY Tom Monaghan Aug 29 2024
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