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Tasmania Solo: A Basslink Story

Tasmania Solo: A Basslink Story

Recently the 500MW Basslink was offline from 24 March to 5 June. What happened to the Tasmanian electricity market?

BY Duncan MacKinnon Jul 04 2018
Texit: What has the NEM ever done for us?

Texit: What has the NEM ever done for us?

Earlier this month the Tasmanian Government announced it was planning to exit the National Electricity Market (NEM). The announcement attracted significant media attention, with the Sydney Morning Herald declaring “Tasmania wants to leave the national grid”. Why not? We look at what the NEM has done for Tasmania, and what Tasmania has done for the NEM.

BY Matthew Warren Feb 16 2018
Tasmania: Interconnectors and price caps, is there a link?

Tasmania: Interconnectors and price caps, is there a link?

A second interconnector to Tasmania is unlikely to be feasible under expected energy market conditions, according to the final report of Dr John Tamblyn’s study, into the feasibility of a new link with the mainland. The study determined that a business case for a second link should only proceed if one or more of three preconditions were met.

BY Panos Priftakis May 18 2017
A second look at Tasmania's energy supply

A second look at Tasmania's energy supply

Tasmania’s Black Swan event – the coincidence of record low dam storage levels and a fault on the Basslink interconnector to the mainland – has put the State’s energy supply under pressure. The Tasmanian Government, Hydro Tasmania and TasNetworks have been implementing an energy plan to ensure the State's energy securit

BY Panos Priftakis May 05 2016
Is there merit in a second Bass Strait Interconnector?

Is there merit in a second Bass Strait Interconnector?

With record low rainfall and an extended fault in the Basslink interconnector the Tasmanian Liberal Government has again raised the possibility of building a second Bass Strait interconnector. But is there merit to having a second interconnector?

BY Panos Priftakis Mar 31 2016
Tasmania: When it doesn't rain, it pours

Tasmania: When it doesn't rain, it pours

A coincidence of events in Tasmania, with low rainfall and a fault in the Basslink interconnector, has led to wholesale prices surpassing $100/MWh for the first time in over five years and raised questions about the security of supply. We take a look at the factors involved and the measures underway in response...

BY Panos Priftakis Jan 21 2016
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